This little man gives me the strength to keep moving forward.
September feels like it is just days away, and time is moving faster. The last few months has been some of the hardest during this process. I have never felt my trust in God so tested before. I have never thought my relationship with Him would be so strained while trying to do something He is leading me to do. It has been a roller coaster ride of emotions with the ones I love the most. It is all so real that I will be gone for a year in a place far from home, but God has given me peace that all with be alright while I leave. The fundraising process has been a challenge. I still need over 15,000 dollars by September. Anyone out there have ideas on how to raise that much money? :) I have a new found respect for missionaries who do this for years and years....and WITH a family! Their trust and faith in God truly has to be so strong for doing this for years. It has been crazy to see who has been so supportive, and those who have doubted me. I have a fundraiser at applebees, on June 28th. Please come out and support me, but you MUST bring your flier!! I have been so blessed by so many people who have donated, encouraged, and continue to pray for me! I feel called to Monterrey, and I know there is something He wants me to do/learn. Please help me get there.