For those of you who know me really well this probably won't surprise you for a second, but for those of you who don't, I am a little embarrassed to share. For the first week and a half I was at language school the water in my shower would only get cold, and I was convinced that the water would never be warm. I kept turning the "F" knob, as it normally means "Hot." Every morning I could only stick my head in the shower to wash my hair because the water was cold. I would finish my "shower" by washing up in the sink everyday. Out of that week and a half I was only brave enough to immerse myself in the shower once. The water was freezing! One morning I FINALLY thought to myself, "Why can I get warm water in the sink and not the shower?" Well, that is because I was turing the knob that had the "C". After a week and half of bathing in my sink I finally realized I could actually have a WARM shower. It was one of the best showers I have ever had, & let's just say it was not one of my proudest moment's I have ever had. This was not the only time I have realized things may not be as they appear (or what I am used to) during my time in Mexico. Although I have been turning the "F" knob to get warm water my entire life, I should not have assumed the "C" meant cold. |
Getting to the point....
Meet the clowns of San Miguel |
This past weekend I was walking around the plaza where they were having some festivities for Mexico's independence weekend. Although their Independence was only for one weekend, San Miguel has actually been celebrating the whole month of September. As I was walking around, there were families with children laughing, playing, and getting involved with the clown acts. I was thinking to myself, "I wish everyone who thinks ALL of mexico is dangerous, could see what I am seeing at this moment." While talking with one of my teacher's, Enrique, the topic about media in both the States and Mexico came up. He told me that the media in Mexico talks about the United States being dangerous.
The Headline's Reading: "Don't go to a Movie Premier in the States", or "Don't attend a public school in the State's."
They are obviously saying this because of the shootings that have occurred as of lately. It was interesting to me only because I don't live in fear while living in the States, even though I am aware of these events happening. Yes, this is probably because it is my home and I feel comfortable, but the other is because I know God will protect me. It is weird to think that I wouldn't give it a second thought to go to a movie premier in the States, even though other countries are saying not to do so. But, while planning to come to Mexico to serve, I had some fear because of all I had heard. Why had I been so fearful? Wouldn't God protect me away from home also? After talking with some of the people who live here, I know that I have to be smart and careful when being in certain parts of this country. Especially, not going certain places alone. But, I also know I would not walk down a dark ally way alone in New York City either. Yes, I understand that Mexico is not all clowns and laughs, neither is the rest of the world, but it made me realize how often I don't see things for what they might actually be.
While I am here in Mexico, and when I return home after this year, I hope God keeps showing me things that will help me learn. Help me learn about different cultures, people, and places. I pray that my blinder's would come off of what I may have been used to/know, so that I can maybe see thing's as God intended them to be. If I would not have tried the opposite knob, the one I thought meant cold, I may have never had a warm shower for 3 week's. I hope God gives me the strength and peace to know that it is okay to try and turn the other knob. Sometime's we have to step out of what is comfortable so that we can learn, see, or do what He want's for us .
I am glad everything is going well for you.